Đến với chuyên mục Model Essay của tuần này. Các bạn sẽ được “thỉnh giáo” ngòi viết đầy sắc nét của thầy Paul Davison – chuyên gia IELTS tại KTDC. Nào các bạn cùng đọc bài Model essay topic Education của thầy Paul để tham khảo và “đúc kết” cho mình nhé!
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Everyone should study at university after finishing high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Whether or not students should further their studies by attending university is debatable. In my opinion, institutes of higher education are essential to success in today’s world.
It cannot be denied that there are many employment related benefits of obtaining a degree. Firstly, people with qualifications such as bachelor’s and master’s degrees are more likely to find work. This is because employers often receive a significant number of applications for job listings, and, as a result, discount those who are not certified at a higher level of education. In addition, those educated to such a standard are also more likely to receive higher salaries. Indeed, many corporations have different pay bands that are awarded based on the academic qualifications of their staff.
Furthermore, there are other non-academic benefits that can be garnered from higher education. Students are able to learn soft skills which prepare them for the working environment. For example, they often graduate with improved communication, teamwork and collaboration, and problem solving skills, which are all essential in today’s fiercely competitive job market. Finally, universities promote moral values which encourage people to act responsibly and contribute to society. This is a result of the often high ethical standing and historical prestige that most universities are associated with and strive to maintain through the installation of such values in their students.
In summary, I believe that everyone should study at university if the opportunity presents itself. If everyone were to do this, it would benefit not only the individual but society as a whole.
Paul Davision – IELTS Trainer
Nguồn: KTDC