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Thư cảm ơn của bạn Mai Thị Thúy Diễm IELTS 7.5 đến thầy Mike

Cảm ơn những chia sẻ rất là chân thành trong bức thư dễ thương của bạn Mai Thị Thúy Diễm dành cho thầy Mike nhé!

I wanna say thank you to my teacher, Mike, and classmates in KTDC, by valuable and motivating lessons about English and life as well, having inspired me a lot to keep continuously step-by-step practice.

In the very first lesson, I was told that “we don’t study English, we speak English”. Then, after the 2-month course at KTDC, I would say that my pronunciation skill has been significantly improved in my course. Essentially, my attitude about how English is pronounced has changed. Ending consonants can be an example where I absorbed many helpful tips from my class. Besides, scrattered structures and vocabulary bank that had been accumulated before at other language center was again built and then developed thoroughly in a more organising flow in KTDC’s curriculum.

Thank you so much for your instruction and encouragement.

Thank you and best regards,

Mai Thi Thuy Diem

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