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Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 Band 8.0- Topic Describe the chill attitude of Generation Z

Đề bài

Describe the chill attitude of Generation Z. 

You should say:

  • Who Generation Z is
  • What their chill attitude looks like
  • How it differs from previous generations

And explain why you think this generation has developed this attitude.

Bài mẫu Band 8.0

Alright, so when we talk about Generation Z, we’re referring to people born roughly between the late 1990s and the early 2010s. They’re the first generation to grow up entirely in the digital age, so they’re often associated with being tech-savvy and very connected to social media.

Now, when it comes to their ‘chill’ attitude, I think it’s all about how they handle stress and approach life. Gen Z seems to be pretty laid-back compared to older generations. They often prioritize self-care and mental health, which is a refreshing shift from, say, the hustle culture of Millennials or the workaholic tendencies of Gen X. For example, many Gen Z’ers might take a mental health day without feeling guilty about it, or they could choose a flexible job that allows them to balance their work and personal life.

Compared to previous generations, this approach is a lot more relaxed. Millennials, for instance, were often criticized for being too obsessed with career advancement and perfectionism. Meanwhile, Gen Z tends to embrace imperfections and focus on just enjoying the moment. Even their sense of humor reflects this—they’re into ironic memes and absurd trends that make light of serious issues.

As for why they’ve developed this attitude, I think it’s a mix of their upbringing and the times they live in. They’ve grown up seeing things like economic instability, climate change, and even a global pandemic, so I think they’ve learned to adapt and not take things too seriously. Plus, they’ve had access to resources like therapy apps and mindfulness tools, which encourage this kind of chill mindset.

Overall, I’d say this ‘chill’ vibe is their way of coping with a fast-changing world, and honestly, it’s pretty admirable.

Từ vựng

  1. Generation Z: Refers to people born roughly between the late 1990s and the early 2010s.
  2. Digital age: The era of widespread use of digital technology, including the internet, social media, and smartphones.
  3. Tech-savvy: Highly skilled and comfortable using technology.
  4. Social media: Online platforms where users create, share, and interact with content, such as Instagram or TikTok.
  5. ‘Chill’ attitude: A relaxed and easygoing approach to life and challenges.
  6. Stress: Mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances.
  7. Laid-back: Relaxed, calm, and unbothered by stress.
  8. Prioritize self-care: To place importance on taking care of oneself physically and emotionally.
  9. Mental health: The state of emotional and psychological well-being.
  10. Refreshing shift: A positive and welcome change in behavior or attitudes.
  11. Hustle culture: A lifestyle focused on constant work and striving for success, often to the point of burnout.
  12. Workaholic tendencies: Habits or behaviors associated with working excessively and prioritizing work over other aspects of life.
  13. Mental health day: A day taken off from work or school to rest and focus on one’s emotional well-being.
  14. Flexible job: A job that allows for adjustable work hours or locations, offering more personal freedom.
  15. Relaxed: Free from stress or tension; calm and easygoing.
  16. Obsessed with career advancement: Focused too intensely on moving up in one’s job or career.
  17. Perfectionism: The desire to achieve flawlessness in everything one does.
  18. Embrace imperfections: Accept and appreciate one’s flaws and mistakes.
  19. Sense of humor: The ability to perceive and enjoy humor or comedy.
  20. Ironic memes: Images or jokes that use irony (saying the opposite of what’s meant) for humor.
  21. Absurd trends: Ridiculous or nonsensical habits, styles, or activities that gain popularity.
  22. Make light of serious issues: To treat serious topics as less important or humorous.
  23. Economic instability: A situation where the economy experiences unpredictable or negative changes.
  24. Climate change: Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns, often attributed to human activity.
  25. Global pandemic: A worldwide outbreak of a contagious disease.
  26. Adapt: To adjust to new conditions or circumstances.
  27. Therapy apps: Applications that provide mental health support or counseling.
  28. Mindfulness tools: Resources or techniques, like meditation apps, used to promote focus and relaxation.
  29. Chill mindset: A relaxed and composed mental attitude.
  30. Coping with a fast-changing world: Managing and adapting to a world that is constantly evolving.

Band Score

Fluency and Coherence (Band 8)

  • Why it scores high:
    • The speaker maintains a smooth flow throughout the response with very few pauses or hesitations.
    • Ideas are logically sequenced with clear transitions (“Now, when it comes to…”, “Compared to previous generations…”, “As for why they’ve developed…”).
    • They extend their answer effectively, using examples and explanations to develop each point.

Lexical Resource (Band 8)

  • Why it scores high:
    • A wide range of vocabulary is used naturally and appropriately, such as “tech-savvy,” “laid-back,” “prioritize self-care,” “hustle culture,” “economic instability,” and “mindfulness tools.”
    • Collocations are strong and idiomatic expressions like “make light of serious issues” and “not take things too seriously” are well-employed.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy (Band 8)

  • Why it scores high:
    • A variety of sentence structures is used, including complex sentences with relative clauses (“which is a refreshing shift from…”), conditionals (“if they choose a flexible job…”), and descriptive phrases.
    • The grammar is nearly error-free, with only minor slips typical of spoken English (e.g., “they’re into ironic memes”).


  • What is needed for this to be Band 8 pronunciation:
    • While this is based on transcription, to receive a band 8 for pronunciation, the delivery should include clear enunciation, appropriate intonation, and stress to emphasize key points. Phrases like “mental health day” and “fast-changing world” would be spoken with natural rhythm and emphasis.

Qua bài mẫu Speaking Part 2 trên KTDC mong các bạn không chỉ nắm được cách trả lời phát triển ý trong phần thi Speaking Part 2, còn mong muốn các bạn có thể hiểu được các tiêu chí chấm thi trong IELTS Speaking từ đó có chiến lược làm bài một cách hiệu quả. Ngoài ra, nếu các bạn đang tìm lớp học cải thiện Speaking  hãy tham khảo thông tin lớp học tại KTDC IELTS. Đến với KTDC các bạn sẽ được học và chấm chữa chi tiết 1:1, Mock test liên tục bởi cựu giám khảo IELTS cùng với phương pháp KTDC Total Immersion giúp rút ngắn 40% lộ trình học, nhanh chóng đạt mục tiêu đề ra.

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