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Cao thủ Ngọc Diệp với điểm IELTS 7.5

Dưới đây là những dòng chia sẽ của cao thủ IELTS 7.5 Ngọc Diệp sau khi hoàn thành khóa học IELTS tại KTDC cùng thầy Andy Robertson và xuất sắc chinh phục kì thi IELTS.

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Learning English with Andy at KTDC was a memorable learning experience to me.

Starting at a band score under 6.0, I was extremely motivated by Andy step by step to achieve this result, which was unbelievable for me. I found the way he organized classes to spend time speaking English as much as possible totally helpful, especially for a shy one like me. Now, to talk in front the crowd is no longer a big deal for me.

Not only in speaking, Andy also advised us to improve our skills effectively rather than just to concentrate in the IELTS result. Moreover, follow his advice, I found another interesting was to study English such as watching movies, documentaries and TV shows or reading books.

When learning and entertaining were combined, my effectiveness became much higher because of the interest. Also, my knowledge in other field has improved considerably, which benefited me not only in IELTS exam but also in my life. Above all, Andy inspired me by both his knowledge and his enthusiasm. Whenever speaking of him, I remember a friendly teacher with smiles always in his face. I think these are reasons why I after level 1, I still followed Andy to level 2 class until deciding to take the real exam.

Ngọc Diệp


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